Saturday 10 December 2016

Don't Stop Believin'

Don’t Stop Believin’
The song that I selected to analysis to “Don’t Stop Believin’” by the popular band Journey recorded and released in 1981. In my opinion, the main idea for this song is about the common search for love in a world we’re all somewhat lonely. The song discusses how life can make everyone feel lonely and we’re all just looking for love and companionship. The song also mentions the hardships of life and all the things we use to fill that void.
The first verse is about adolescence and the loneliness we experience during it and our will to escape it. “Just a small town girl...Living in a lonely world” and “Just a city boy...Born and raised in South Detroit” both are very different people but they share the same experiences of the world and want to escape it which is discussed in the next line. After both of these lines in the verse the lines “Took the midnight...Goin’ anywhere” are sung this shows that both of these very different people share the same will to escape their lonely lives and leave, even it is just to “anywhere”
The next verse is about the different places and ways that people try to find love or at least something to distract them. “Singer in smoky room...The smell of wine and cheap perfume” is invoking the imagery of a bar a place where people both try to find love and spend their time trying to ignore their problems. “For a smile they can share the night...It goes on and on, and on, and on” this line actually talks about the finding of companionship but to me it still doesn’t mean the finding of love. It really talks about how people are so desperate to not be lonely that they will form a relationship just on the basis of a smile. And the fact that it goes “on and on…” is implying that this is cycle that is continue as we always search of love and companionship.
The third verse is about the people who are searching for love and the deeper meaning to that. “Strangers waiting...Up and down the boulevard” is about how about endlessly search for love just constantly walking about hoping to find a complete stranger to make a connection with. “Their shadows searching...In the night” brings up the imagery of shadows, in the this case meaning people’s hidden selves and secrets. “Streetlight people” contrasts this by discussing light, from this we can probably determine that this means the people that are roaming the streets looking for love can only see the face that people but on in public because the light has illuminated and removed their shadow. “Livin’’ just to find emotion...Hidin’ somewhere in the night” is referring the fact that people are okay with only seeing the fake version of people as long as they get to form some kind of kind of emotional connection.
The fourth verse is about how the trials and tribulations of life affects people and how they try to escape it. “Workin’ hard to get my fill...Everybody wants a thrill” may be about how everybody works hard to get the basic needs of life but still wants something that actually excites them. This line may also be implying how some people will resort to getting cheap thrills, like sex, instead of working for love. “Payin’ anything to roll the dice...Just one more time” as previously mentioned throughout the song people have a lot of struggles in life and rarely find true love to help them. So this line is probably about the great price people would pay in order to get another chance at having a better life. “Some will win...Some will lose” elaborates on this further saying that some people will get a good roll and have a great life, while others will get a bad one. “Oh the movie never ends...It goes on and on, and on, and on” again brings about the metaphor of a cycle that people will continue living out. There will always be people will good lives and people will bad lives.
The chorus takes a different view on all this, by presenting a more optimistic view of life and love. The main line of the chorus is relatively self-explanatory, “Don’t stop believing...Hold on to that feeling” this line is telling people to not give up on the search for love even though it is incredibly hard and rare. The chorus again mentions the symbol of “streetlight people” but in this context it is saying that although we may only form connections with people’s public face it is possible for us to form deeper emotional connections. The main idea or moral of the song is brought to full form in the chorus as although the rest of the song lists all the reasons why the search for love is impossible, the chorus states that it is still important to hold on to love because when you working so hard to find it is what makes it so great.
It is for that reason why this song really appeals to me, because it makes a lot of deep and even dark observations about people, while still giving a positive message. There are a lot of terrible things about life but this song still makes you feel better about it. Not by simply ignoring the problem like a lot of “happy” songs, but by recognizing the problem and still finding something good in it. Overall this song is an excellent observation and analysis of the human condition and love, while still being fun to listen too.

Sunday 4 December 2016


It’s not often I get rejected, but I feel like I do
I never give anyone the chance
Long before someone could even think that I would have something to propose I feel rejected
“They would never say yes” “They probably never even thought about” “Why risk it”
These grand fantasies of the possibilities I could have had, they’ve been rejected
Not by someone else but by myself
I never give myself the respect to even consider it
Pure delusions of grandeur
“That could never happen to me” “Why waste my time”
I’m not good enough
Rejection is sharp stab from others but from yourself it’s constant anguish
I never been rejected by another

But I always reject myself

Thursday 1 December 2016


It’s a damp Halloween night as the rain falls bitterly from the sky and drenches everything around me. The bowl I’m laying in is opressive and crowed, despite the fact that it’s filled with colourfully wrapped sweets unlike myself. While the popular candies like KitKats and Skittles are always quickly scooped up, I’ve never gotten a chance to feel wanted. Why? I am simply a lowly piece of salted black licorice.

It's so fucking cold out here. I heard other candies get to stay inside on nights like this. At least I'm near the bottom, so the rain isn't hitting me quite as bad as the ones on top. Some of the others get to stay together in bright, pretty packaging. Not me. I'm here by myself, in a clear, boring plastic wrapper. I guess a single piece of salted black liquorice just doesn't get the same amount of love and craving as a goddamn package of fuzzy peaches. Whatever, it won’t matter in the end anyways.

The children continuously snatch candies here and there greedily from this cheaply made orange and black plastic bowl. I feel little hands of costumed children grab as much candy as they can from where I am currently trapped. The bowl was left outside by the lazy people that purchased me in the first place, giving candies like me zero hope of trick-or-treater’s picky candy selection. I’m so lonely. The longer I lay here, the greater the threat of being left behind and forgotten becomes; but I wouldn’t expect anything better at this point.

Then it happens. A little boy comes up to the porch and reaches into the bowl to grab a handful of us candies when I suddenly notice a warmth I’ve never felt before. I’ve been chosen! The boy inspects the goodies he acquired and spots me among the others.The rush of wind that surrounds me as I fall through the air and back into the bowl takes away any hope I’ve had of being carried off and wanted. I watch as the boy turns away and smiles with joy as he eats the good candy.

The concept of time evades me and the seemingly endless hours go past, countless gleeful children taking the every last bit candy around me, leaving me cold and alone. I watch in agony and disappoint as a light begins to crest above the now nearly empty bowl. I guess it’s over, I’m not wanted.

As I begin to wonder what will become of me I hear something in the distance. It sounds like gasping or heavy breathing or maybe... panting? It’s quiet and small but I can hear it getting louder as the distance separating us shrinks until there is practically nothing in between. I listen as the sound of the small footsteps walking up the concrete stairs stops before me. Looking up towards the edge of the bowl, I see the silhouette of a small dog. It peers above the bowl, and almost looks as if it's smiling as it's muzzle dips below the edge of my confine and grabs me by my wrapper. The dog trots its way down the stairs and continues up the street, towards the breaking dawn and my freedom at last.

Thursday 24 November 2016

Regret II

People are always want more from life, not matter how high I reach I always want to go higher. That's why I regret things maybe even if I think it was the right decision I wish I could have made a better one.

I think I did the right thing but I do regret what I did to you.
I regret the time I thrusted the knife through your stomach and watched as you bleed. I regret when I washed my hands of the blood. 

I regret wiping the floor of the blood and carrying you to the basement

At least now I can love you the way I want too

I just regret that I did't do it sooner

Monday 21 November 2016


It’s impossible to choose every option when presented with a choice, so no matter what you do you will at one point in time make the wrong choice. Maybe we don’t realize it at the time but someday we will all look back and have regrets based on choices we made or the chances we didn’t take. So what then, if we all have regrets than what makes them hurt so much, it's because deep down we all want more. We always live our lives trying to reach the top but no matter how high we get, we always need more. Even if the good choices outweigh the mistakes I will always think about things I could have had, or the places I could be, but now I’m stuck in place. To me life is like walking through tunnels, sometimes you have a different direction you could move in, but you can never go back, and you can never see where you're going, so once you reach the end and you look back to see the paths you could have walked, and you realize that you lost. We like to say that all people can succeed in life and do something that makes them happy but in reality there really are people who lose at life, and it’s a scary thought so we, myself included like to ignore it. So what can we do about it, well nothing really, we will all have regrets and some of us will be losers but no matter what we are where we are so we might as well find something good in it. I don’t think about the relationships I lost because of a miscommunication, I think of the love I have in the relationship I have now. I don’t think about the tests I didn’t study for or the homework I forgot to do, I think about the tests I did well on and the places I’m going because of them. I don’t think about the fact I might fail to reach my goals I think about the goals I’ve already hit and the ones I’m going to. I don’t think about how I'm probably going to fail, I pretend, and act like I'm winning.
But maybe that's what I'll end up regretting.

Monday 7 November 2016


When people think of loss they often associate it with one particular feeling, pain, but to me the two are unrelated. Unlike loss pain is simple, it hurts, that's all, you may think there’s more but that’s all up to context, pain itself just hurts. Pain is stagnant and never changing, no matter how many times you run the knife along your hand it will always hurt, and it will hurt the same. Loss has no pain, it doesn’t hurt, I just wish it did. Loss isn’t like cutting your hand with a knife, it’s like you don’t even have a hand. My loss doesn’t hurt, maybe it should but it just doesn’t. It’s like I’ve lost the ability to even feel pain, all that’s there is emptiness. a contradiction within itself. It’s often said but nothing can ever truly fill the hole left by loss, you can build around it create more in it’s place but it will never fit the hole perfectly. I think of it like a puzzle, we are built perfectly together but life can break apart our pieces, and sometimes we lose pieces. We can try and find new pieces but they can never fit the same. When I heard about the feelings of a great loss I expected it to hurt, I expected a great and tragic pain, but it never came. As soon as it happened I just felt empty, it sounds cold-hearted but never did feel the pain all I felt was guilt about not feeling the pain. Maybe that’s what makes loss so hard, pain is what reminds us we’re alive, so when we don't feel that pain, it seems like we’re dead.

Wednesday 26 October 2016


This is actual a relatively general concept I take issue with but many times I have heard teachers or other authority figures, this is the idea that students must always accept school rules and respect their teachers immediately and without question. It makes no sense that students should have no say in the way their school operates and the rules that control them. We live in a democracy that allows everyone freedom, so why then are students subjected to an authoritarian society where their right to liberty and self-expression are stripped away. It is simply unconstitutional for a school to control a student's behaviour, thoughts and opinions, with no chance to fight back because if you do then you’re left to face an all powerful force. Students don’t just need a voice, they need power, a way to speak their mind and have a chance to argue for their opinions. While a majority of the school rules are logically and necessary, and some students may abuse the chance to counter school rules, that is no excuse to take away their fundamental rights and freedoms. Not only is it almost impossible for a student to ensure that the rules that mandate their behaviour are fair, just and reasonable, if they happen to be accused of breaking one of these rules they have no chance to prove their innocence let only face a fair judicial system. In the school system the governing body is the judge, jury and executioner with no chance for acquittal. The school may act as though they are fair to all of their students and gives them all an equal chance but there can be no assurance of this if the students themselves have no opportunity to defend themselves against the dictatorship that owns them. Not only does the school take away what we consider to be important freedoms but they directly contradict The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, such as Section 2(b) the right to freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, and if we consider the Charter to apply to the school rules as well then it contradicts Section 11(d) of the Charter the right to be presumed innocent. From all this it should be clear that the current system is blatantly unconstitutional and violated our basic Charter given rights and freedoms. The school board may be an individual organization that we all agree to take part in but that doesn’t give them the power to effectively own our free will, and the only reason we can’t fight back is because we need an education. The current method may be unfair and unconstitutional but it does work, our students may be unhappy but they are being educated, nobody has the strength or resilience to fight the institution that gives us our education. This current method treats student as nothing but empty vessels to fill with knowledge and platitudes of respect, but that’s simply not true, we may young but we are thoughtful and we do have ideas and opinion that need to be heard. No one is saying that the school system needs to bend to our every whim but the chance to be heard, the ability to have an actual chance to make a difference, that’s all we need. All it takes is to look back of history to see that authoritarian, almost totalitarian, societies never work, because we people with thought are told they can’t have any, those thoughts lead to only one thing… revolution. It wouldn’t be easy but I believe there is a system where students can be properly educated but still have their own voice and power, no one wants the school to be anarchy but there must be some middle ground between that and our current authoritarian system that can give students an education and freedom.

Friday 21 October 2016

The Curse of the Disgusting Septum Piercing

Whilst investigating the death of a local professional loser, a pierced piercing artist called Rebbeca Rebio uncovers a legend about a supernaturally-cursed, disgusting septum piercing circulating throughout Hell. As soon as anyone uses the septum piercing, he or she has exactly 364 days left to live.
The doomed few appear to be ordinary people during day to day life, but when photographed, they look rotated 54 degrees. A marked person feels like a wonderful koala to touch.
Rebbeca gets hold of the septum piercing, refusing to believe the superstition. A collage of images flash into her mind: a crusty red panda balancing on a magic professional loser, an old newspaper headline about a running accident, a hooded doggo ranting about eyebrows and a drinking well located in a full of puppers place.
When Rebbeca notices her fingernails have koala-like properties, she realises that the curse of the disgusting septum piercing is true and calls in her friends that hate each other, a eyebrow magician called Steven , to help.
Steven examines the septum piercing and willingly submits himself to the curse. He finds that the same visions flash before his eyes. He finds the crusty red panda balancing on a magic professional loser particularly chilling. He joins the queue for a supernatural death.
Rebbeca and Steven pursue a quest to uncover the meaning of the visions, starting with a search for the hooded doggo. Will they be able to stop the curse before their time is up?

All the Silly Nightmares About My Feelings

All the Silly Nightmares about my feelings

In The Style Of Beyonce Knowles
by the death

All the silly nightmares about my feelings! (All the silly nightmares about my feelings!)
All the silly nightmares about my feelings! (All the silly nightmares about my feelings!)
All the silly nightmares about my feelings! (All the silly nightmares about my feelings!)
All the silly nightmares about my feelings!
Now put your tongues up.

Every night I cry while laughing but actually being sad in my bed,
Lost in a fairytale.
Can you hold my wenis and be my guide?

Leftover mashed potatoes filled with two hair ties hanging from the ceiling cover your skies.
What kinda dream is this?
You could be a gross sign leading to hell or a smelly wet cat.
Either way I don't wanna die without you.

Many detached fingers , we run this motha (yeah!)
Many detached fingers , we run this motha (yeah!)
Many detached fingers , we run this motha (yeah!)
Many detached fingers , we run this motha (yeah!)

Yes! So chubby right now,
Most incredibly chubby .
Oh! So chubby . Oh! So chubby .
Yes! So chubby right now.

All the leftover mashed potatoes who are independent,
Throw your fingernails at me!
All the leftover mashed potatoes who makin' me sad,
Throw your fingernails at me!
All the leftover mashed potatoes who truly feel overcome by the oppression of society ,
Throw your fingernails at me!

Tonight I'll be your chubby sole chair leg in the corner.
I'm callin' all my many detached fingers .
I know you want my single wenis.
Tonight I'll be your chubby sole chair leg in the corner
I'm callin' all my many detached fingers .

Who run the world? Many detached fingers , we run this motha - yeah!
Who run this motha? Many detached fingers , we run this motha - yeah!
Who run the world? Many detached fingers , we run this motha - yeah!

Monday 10 October 2016


Walking down the bustling street, out of the corner of his eye across the path, Steven notices a beautiful woman giving him a short charming wink. At first he makes a quizzical face and waits a moment until he see’s the woman flash him a small smile. He returns with a half smile, not quite real, almost more of a smirk as to indicate his pleasure with having this interaction. He stops his movement and slightly turns his body to face the woman his foot one step ahead but his body not yet moving. The two continue to make eye contact both displaying a subtle smirk of attraction. The woman slowly lifts her hand and gives a short attractive wave signally for Steven to move forward. Steven waves back to the woman and begins walking towards her, that is until he sees the woman twist her face in confusion and give a demeaning laugh at Steven. Quickly, Steven turns around to see an attractive man walking towards the woman as the two begin having a conversation, the woman points at Steven, drawing the other man’s attention to him and the two laugh, twisting the knife of embarrassment. Startled by this, Steven abruptly turns around, the embarrassment of the situation causes Steven to be overwhelmed as he trips and falls to the ground, the weight of his body slamming against the hard concrete, the sounds of the people's laughter behind them.  Overcome by the shame surrounding him, Steven’s body refuses to get up, as if he could spend his whole life there. Hoping only to get out of the anxiety surrounding him as fast as possible Steven lifts his head, and sees all the people staring as they put their heads down and turn their bodies away, continuing their daily lives as if nothing had changed. Steven begins to move upward, his head still hung in shame, amidst this terrible moment, Steven sees one ray of hope just above his gaze. His eyes meet with those of another woman’s, her hand outstretched to Steven’s, offering him help. Steven again makes a puzzled face, not yet taking the woman’s hand, until she smiles and gives him an assuring nod, confirming their trust. Steven reaches out his hand and gently grabs the woman’s, Steven begins to stand, slowing not allowing his strength to be in the woman’s hands . Finally standing, Steven and the woman make eye contact, she gives him a smile her eyes bright and locked with Steven’s, he returns with a smile of his own, a true smile, coming from his eyes and his mouth. Steven looks down to his hand, still holding the woman’s, he looks back up at her as she gives a coy laugh. With her other hand she signals Steven to follow as she starts walking down the street, once away from the crowd she takes Steven’s other hand and moves her body close to his. Once more she looks up at him and gives him her best smile and Steven does the same.

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Candy Apples

“Trick or treat?” (all) “God, Parker why did you take us to such a creepy house, let’s get out of here” (Emily) “Oh calm down, houses like this always have the best candy” (Parker) “Oh who cares, a creepy place like this looks like fun anyway” (Cathryn) “Jeez Cathryn, you’re such a Halloween freak” (Joseph) “Shhh guys, the doors opening” (Sivi) “Oh, what are you all supposed to be?” (Rebecca) “I’m salt and Joseph is pepper” (Emily) “Of course the couple is matching, anyway I’m dressed as a banana.” (Parker) “I’m a lemon wedge” (Cathryn) “And I’m a cat” (Sivi) “Yeah, obviously someone didn’t get the memo” (Emily) “What memo?” (Sivi) “Lovely costumes, would you like to come in for some candy apples?” (Rebecca) “Sure! That’d be great” (Cathryn) “Great, come on in. Just lock the door behind you” (Rebecca) “No, it wouldn’t be great. Parker, why did you choose the creepiest house on the block to stop at first?” (Emily [aside]) “Wow… what a nice house…” (Joseph) “Thank you, let’s move into the living room” (Rebecca) “This house is super creepy, did you notice the skull on the mantle?” (Joseph [aside]) “May i ask why we are in some random woman’s house on Halloween? This isn’t sketchy at all!” (Emily) “Don’t worry babe, if anything happens I’ll protect you” (Joseph) “Emily, stop being so salty.” (Parker) “Was that supposed to be a pun, Parker?” (Joseph) “I’m leaving” (Emily) “Hold on a minute, i’ll go get the candy apples!” (Rebecca) “What the hell? Who just turned off the lights? Joseph are you screwing with us?” (Emily) “On my mother’s life, that wasn’t me.” (Joseph) “Then who did it?” (Sivi) “Maybe we should ask the lady.” (Cathryn) “The fuse must’ve blown, darlings! Sorry about that, i’ll be right back!” (Rebecca) “Where is this woman? I’m actually leaving now and if anyone wants to follow me, feel free. If not, have fun dying with that old hag and her candy apples.” (Emily) “You’re overreacting.” (Joseph) “I’m over this, bye.” (Emily) “I’m coming with you.” (Sivi) “Oh, come on guys! It’s probably just a Halloween prank.” (Parker) “Why would an elderly woman prank a bunch of teenagers?” (Emily) “Where the hell is Parker? He sounds so far away.” (Joseph) “He probably followed the old lady, he isn’t the brightest among all of us.” (Emily) (Parker screams) “Was that Parker?” (Sivi) “Let’s go find him!” (Cathryn) “Bye!” (Emily) “Ha! You’re not going anywhere, someone needs to protect me.” (Joseph) “Remember when you said I’m overreacting? Screw you.” (Emily) “Hello?! Let’s find Parker and get the fuck out of here.” (Cathryn) “Ugh! If you idiots just listened to me from the beginning we wouldn’t have lost Parker in the first place.” (Emily) “Parker! NO!” (Cathryn) “What happened? Cathryn where are you?!” (Joseph) “Follow my voice!” (Cathryn) “Ow! What did i just trip over?!” (Sivi) “Wanna know what you just tripped over? Parker’s dead body, that’s what!” (Cathryn) “Come on Joseph let’s go, we have to see if he’s okay” (Emily) “What! I don’t want to die. …. Oh my god the lights are back on, jeez I can’t see a thing. Fuck he’s dead, let’s get the hell out of here” (Joseph) “Hurry let’s go, AHHHHH” (Sivi) “OH MY FUCKING GOD!! DID THAT JUST HAPPEN?!? I THINK SHE’S DEAD” (Cathryn) “Emily protect me, I’m going to die, AHHHH” (Joseph) “Is Joseph dead? I can’t hear him whining like a child anymore.” (Emily) “Emily hurry, there’s a door over there, we’re too tired to keep running let’s hide in there” (Cathryn) “Okay … Oh thank god we made it, it looks like a bathroom hurry lock the door. That was too fucking close (Emily) “I can’t believe their dead, and we’re next. What the hell are we supposed to do next” (Cathryn) “We can’t stay here forever, we need to run for it. Then we can get out of this fucking nightmare” (Emily) “You’re right, the killings seemed to be fast but we didn’t hear any gunshots, that old woman must be using a knife, we go fast then we can make it” (Cathryn) “Wait… how could the old woman be doing this, there’s no way a frail elderly woman could kill all these people without them fighting back. I know that bitch is behind this” (Emily) “Well who else could it be, we’re the only people who aren’t dead!” (Cathryn) “It must be someone from the outside, who snuck in” (Emily) “No that’s not possible, we locked the door of our way in” (Cathryn) “Oh I get it then, that’s why you said that woman did it. After all you can’t admit that it was really you” (Emily) “WHAT! You’ve got to be kidding me! How could I have done this” (Cathryn) “Don’t lie to me you bitch! I know it was you, you killed Joseph and the rest of them didn’t you! And know you’re going to try and kill me but I won’t let you, I’m running for it” (Emily) “NO! Emily wait you’re going to get killed out there!” (Cathryn) “Ah! FUCK! No way how could you do this … (Emily) “DON’T WORRY EMILY I’M COMING TO HELP … NO NOT YOU TOO” (Cathryn) “Cathryn over there … hide in that room … don’t let his tricks fool you … I’m sorry I doubted you...” (Emily) “It’s okay Emily, thank you. I promise I’ll figure this out … Huff … huff, I think I’m safe now” (Cathryn) “I wouldn’t be so sure” (Rebecca) “There you are, I was wondering when you would show up. Not think you can scare me just like that, after all I have nothing to fear from you” (Cathryn) “Why would you say that? Don’t you know I killed all your friends” (Rebecca) “Give it up with your tricks, I know how the real murderer is” (Cathryn) “But how can you say it’s not me” (Rebecca) “I assume it’s obvious an old woman like you couldn’t commit murder, but if you want further prove I have Emily’s last words, she said to not let’s “his” tricks fool you, of course that’s not referring to you” (Cathryn) “But if it’s not me then, it must be someone from the outside right” (Rebecca) “You especially should know that’s impossible” (Cathryn) “So then who did it? You wouldn’t possibly accuse one of your own friends” (Rebecca) “Wrong again, I don’t like it myself, but it’s the truth the true killer in this case is … Parker! “Mhmm interesting, but unfortunately impossible how could you claim a dead person is the culprit, don’t be absurd” (Rebecca) “Then of course the only logical conclusion is that he wasn’t dead, and is in fact still alive” (Cathryn) “And how do you think he accomplished that, he saw his own dead body” “Wrong. We felt it. Siviyani felt on the body but it was still dark all Parker would have to do is lay still and we would have believed he was dead” (Cathryn) “What about Joseph, he saw the body with the lights on “ (Rebecca) “He only got a quick glimpse at the body, and the lights had just come back on, his eyes would have still been adjusting. Not to mention Parker’s costume which would have concealed his body. All Joseph saw was a banana covered in blood on the floor” (Cathryn) “An interesting theory, but you’ve yet to prove anything, an outside party could have just picked the lock or broken the door down. How can you prove that Parker faked it all” (Rebecca) “It all comes down to the blood, or should I even call it that. If Parker is truly alive then something must have been used to fake the blood, and what was that exactly … candy apple coating. When I was running here I caught a glimpse of Sivayini’s body, she was stabbed in the chest but she was on her back so there wasn’t much bleeding, except for her legs. Her legs were covered in a hard red substance” (Cathryn) “That could have simply been Parker’s blood, he’s been dead for a while the blood could have hardened” (Rebecca) “Now you’re just stretching, everyone knows blood doesn’t harden that fast, but candy apple coating does. That’s why Sivayini was killed first if she was alive when the sauce hardened she would have known the blood was fake. The same goes for Joseph next, he was killed because he was the only one who actually saw the body. Emily was killed next because Parker was worried she would notice that Parker’s body had moved. I can only assume I would be next but lucky for me there’s a window right there and you’re to frail to stop me. Though I must admit it was a good plan with these you could kill as many of us as possible and still be safe if any of us escaped” (Cathryn) “Well done, I never thought someone could unravel our intricate mystery. Unfortunately for you, you made one grave miscalculation.” (Rebecca) “Oh really and what would that be” (Cathryn) “You assumed I wouldn’t get my hands dirty for the sake of my grandson” (Rebecca) “AHHH!! Dammit your tricks really did work I never thought that you would have a gun after Parker stabbed all those people … fuck … I’m sorry … all of you” (Cathryn) “Excellent work Grams, you led her right into our trap, what do you suppose we do now” (Parker) “I guess it’s time for us to make some candy apples with our new friends here” (Rebecca) The End

Monday 26 September 2016

Sunday 25 September 2016


It sounds fake, but it's really not
Everyone says it: "Come on go outside, why are you always stuck in the house"
And if you're like me then you would always respond with a snarky reason to stay inside
But the truth is they're right
You don't have to go and chain yourself to a tree but just take a walk
Everybody likes staying inside, there are many great things inside, but the same is true for nature
The smell of the breeze as it blows past
The diverse colors from the trees to the ground to the sky
Or the swift movement of the squirrels as they climb
The sounds of the leaves crinkling in the wind or beneath your feet
So just take a walk, it doesn't take long just breath in the fresh air. clear your mind and revitalize yourself
Then you can go back inside

Monday 12 September 2016

Seven Random Words

I wouldn't consider myself a circumspect man, I don't understand the need to take risks, especially without fully considering the consequences. It is for that reason that I have fully considered the facts before making such a heavy accusation, as a calling someone a murderer. As a detective it is my duty to fully tabulate the information of the case in my mind and use that to fact reasonable deductions. Only a fool of a detective would make such a grand statement with nothing more then an inkling. By unraveling each individual fact in the case, connecting each one, and finally grinding them down too their final conclusion, only then could I, in good conscience, point the finger at the culprit and truly prove there. To a detective there is no greater satisfaction then dousing the culprit in your reasoning of the facts, proving there guilty. Whether that satisfaction comes from putting away a guilty person, or that they were able to solve the case, is the detective on business. Regardless, of that however, no detective can deny the joy that comes from watching the culprit flounce about trying desperately to prove you wrong. No matter how much they flounder the feeling of defeating them with your limber logic. There are those who solve crime morally and those who do it for personal reasons, but all detective can agree, they all do it for the high.

Disturbing Dream

A brief moment but one saturated in twisted anguish
No hope to be found in this pit of despair, absorbing all willpower in its atmosphere
Covered a dark crimson, a vacuum free of any comfort
The sharp smell of blood and death surrounds everything
Two towering presences looming, with a presence striking terror in all who dare arrive
Standing atop a mountain of those already punished
A void of darkness, the harbinger of death
A burning skeleton of power, the one who shall pass judgement
Guardians of the first gate
Protectors as the Queen of Maggots awaits
The two stand in wait of their signal
A prophecy repeated through time

Friday 9 September 2016

Reliable Wi-fi Short Story

    "God mom, is it so hard to pay for good wi-fi, I'm trying to something important here"
    "Hey, I pay a lot of money for that wi-fi, why don't you try reading a book or studying for school, you don't need wi-fi."


I quickly stormed up to my room, hoping the wi-fi would work again. after all Jessica is waiting for me on

      "Sup babe, what are you doing what now" I type to Jessica while waiting with baited wait. It's too no avail, however as the screen reads message not received. It's seems all is lost until I get a message from Lisa. It's incredible she lives nearby and think's my hot it's like a dream come true.

    "Hey babe, what's up" I type full of ancipation

     "Oh hey sexy, I was just thinking of you, wanna met up I could really use some help with something over okay"

     "Okay that sounds amazing, what's your address, I can come over right now"

     "Yay! Perfect it's 123 Address Street"

My worst nightmare comes true, and as the image in the corner finally loads everything comes together.

And that's the story of how I met my mom on

"That's what happens when you don't have reliable wi-fi" I exclaim to myself.