Monday 26 September 2016

Sunday 25 September 2016


It sounds fake, but it's really not
Everyone says it: "Come on go outside, why are you always stuck in the house"
And if you're like me then you would always respond with a snarky reason to stay inside
But the truth is they're right
You don't have to go and chain yourself to a tree but just take a walk
Everybody likes staying inside, there are many great things inside, but the same is true for nature
The smell of the breeze as it blows past
The diverse colors from the trees to the ground to the sky
Or the swift movement of the squirrels as they climb
The sounds of the leaves crinkling in the wind or beneath your feet
So just take a walk, it doesn't take long just breath in the fresh air. clear your mind and revitalize yourself
Then you can go back inside

Monday 12 September 2016

Seven Random Words

I wouldn't consider myself a circumspect man, I don't understand the need to take risks, especially without fully considering the consequences. It is for that reason that I have fully considered the facts before making such a heavy accusation, as a calling someone a murderer. As a detective it is my duty to fully tabulate the information of the case in my mind and use that to fact reasonable deductions. Only a fool of a detective would make such a grand statement with nothing more then an inkling. By unraveling each individual fact in the case, connecting each one, and finally grinding them down too their final conclusion, only then could I, in good conscience, point the finger at the culprit and truly prove there. To a detective there is no greater satisfaction then dousing the culprit in your reasoning of the facts, proving there guilty. Whether that satisfaction comes from putting away a guilty person, or that they were able to solve the case, is the detective on business. Regardless, of that however, no detective can deny the joy that comes from watching the culprit flounce about trying desperately to prove you wrong. No matter how much they flounder the feeling of defeating them with your limber logic. There are those who solve crime morally and those who do it for personal reasons, but all detective can agree, they all do it for the high.

Disturbing Dream

A brief moment but one saturated in twisted anguish
No hope to be found in this pit of despair, absorbing all willpower in its atmosphere
Covered a dark crimson, a vacuum free of any comfort
The sharp smell of blood and death surrounds everything
Two towering presences looming, with a presence striking terror in all who dare arrive
Standing atop a mountain of those already punished
A void of darkness, the harbinger of death
A burning skeleton of power, the one who shall pass judgement
Guardians of the first gate
Protectors as the Queen of Maggots awaits
The two stand in wait of their signal
A prophecy repeated through time

Friday 9 September 2016

Reliable Wi-fi Short Story

    "God mom, is it so hard to pay for good wi-fi, I'm trying to something important here"
    "Hey, I pay a lot of money for that wi-fi, why don't you try reading a book or studying for school, you don't need wi-fi."


I quickly stormed up to my room, hoping the wi-fi would work again. after all Jessica is waiting for me on

      "Sup babe, what are you doing what now" I type to Jessica while waiting with baited wait. It's too no avail, however as the screen reads message not received. It's seems all is lost until I get a message from Lisa. It's incredible she lives nearby and think's my hot it's like a dream come true.

    "Hey babe, what's up" I type full of ancipation

     "Oh hey sexy, I was just thinking of you, wanna met up I could really use some help with something over okay"

     "Okay that sounds amazing, what's your address, I can come over right now"

     "Yay! Perfect it's 123 Address Street"

My worst nightmare comes true, and as the image in the corner finally loads everything comes together.

And that's the story of how I met my mom on

"That's what happens when you don't have reliable wi-fi" I exclaim to myself.