Thursday 12 January 2017


2.What do I really want to learn?

         Although people often claim that are modern school system is inefficient at preparing students for the real world and teaching them things of actually value, I disagree. While I see their point, the school system does fail in a lot of ways and is typically not friendly to the student, I believe that there is something you can get out of the school system that is worth value. I believe that I can take the values and education that school gives me and do something worthwhile to both me and everybody else with it. Personally, I want to become a lawyer and defend people accused of crimes, and I cannot do that with school to help me. I believe that it is extremely important to do something that you are proud of with your life, no matter what that is. For me, I have the abilities and skills that would benefit me in the field of trial law, and I also enjoy it, so I want to use school as a jumping off point to get me to accomplish this goal. Not only do I need to use school as a method to learn about the law, I want to, I do get pleasure out of learning about this. Although many people will say that school is pointless and they hate it, I think that it's not necessary people what is happening within the school but where it will take in the future. There are some people who do not get enjoyment out of learning and are content with where they are, and there are others who strike to learn and gain as much knowledge as possible. Regardless of which you fall under, I think there is something you can get out of school, everybody has something that they are passionate about, whether that be school related or not. I do enjoy learning new things and discovering more about the world, but more than that I am excited to take what I have learn and actually change the world with it. Everybody in school has the power to make a difference in the world, but most people just view it as the boring school they go to everyday. I want to learn so that I can accomplish my goals, and help people and society as much as possible. There are days where I don’t want to go school, or I don’t like and assignment, or I feel like it really is all just pointless, but regardless of all that I know that school is the key to my dreams. I have the power to actually help people with my abilities, so to me it would just be a waste if I didn’t try to accomplish that. I want to learn about the law because I like that, more than that I want to learn about the law because its worth it. If I can use school as a way to truly make the lives of the people around me and society as a whole better than not only do I want to that, I need to do that.

4.When do I feel most alive?

      For me there are two situation that I think make me feel the most alive, when I accomplish things, and when I’m with people I care about. I have a personally philosophy that there is no point in doing anything unless you are going to be the best at it. In every single thing that I do, I want to be at the top of it. So when I discover that I have achieved that, I feel truly alive, there is something deeply satisfying about putting all the work I can into something then discovering that it was all worth it. I can be happy with just doing well on something but nothing can compare to the rush of truly being at the top. It's not a matter of wanting to be better than everyone else but more about seeing all my effort paid off in the end. I try my hardest to put my everything into something, so in way it’s like I put my entire life into the work, so when I thrive at it I know that my life was meaningful and I can truly feel alive. Due to this the place where I do end up feeling alive often is school, because of the countless opportunities to succeed and chances to be the greatest at something. One huge example of this, when I found out that I had gotten into one of the top universities in the country before most people. I felt like all the work that I had previously put into school had finally paid off and become something of tangible value. I can feel alive at school for another reason, although it more often occurs outside. I doubt there is many people who do not enjoy spending time with those they love or care about, but for me it is particularly important. The moments I can best recall fondly are those with my friends or my family. Even if it was just a small meaningless moment, I will always remember it as one of the best moments in my life. I consider myself to be an introverted person and I often need to be alone to recharge, but I still care deeply about the time I spend with others. There really is nothing that can make me feel quite as alive as telling or hearing a joke with friends, or just talking with them, or spending time with my family. There really is no explanation for this besides the fact that having people you care about, and people who care about is something key to being a person. As much as people complain about a lack of trust in relationships, or fake friends, having friends and family is still necessary to living. Not only is forming relationships key to human survival it is also a very important element in actually feeling alive. This is definitely true for me because I don’t think anything is better than the feeling of being alive with those you love.

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